FRESNO, Calif. — An increasing number of post-emergent herbicides, key tools in the fight against glyphosate-resistant weeds, are requiring the addition of an oil-based adjuvant to contribute to their weed-killing performance.
To help in the fight, Oro Agri Inc. added a new HSMOC adjuvant to its U.S. product line. ORO®-HSMOC with TransPhloem® technology, offers growers a higher performing HSMOC adjuvant for post-emergent herbicide applications resulting in better weed control.
It is the only HSMOC that gives growers the advantages of OROWET and TransPhloem technologies. OROWET technology causes the spray solution to be absorbed more quickly into a weed’s leaf surface for better rainfastness and quicker availability for translocation within the weed.
Once the herbicide solution is absorbed, TransPhloem technology facilitates the translocation of the herbicide to the weeds’ roots more rapidly, and in higher concentrations, than other HSMOC or MSO products. The overall result is more weed-killing herbicide being delivered throughout the weed for quicker and better control.
“The performance of ORO-HSMOC is a step above the commodity-like methylated seed oil products currently in the market said Riley Reynolds, Oro Agri director of sales and marketing.”